Think beyond boundaries MiCA and DORA – Krypto Rivary Consulting YouTube Channel

Think beyond boundaries

AI technologies, cross-border cooperations and the full use of employee skills regardless of gender and sexual orientation will change the service industry tremendously

MiCA and DORA – Krypto

Digital Finance. Both MiCA and DORA are expected to enter into force in 2023

Rivary Consulting YouTube Channel

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Welcome to Rivary Consulting.

Tailored support for CEOs and business leaders, especially in finance and the public sector, seeking independent and unbiased assistance with strategic issues, organizational changes, and new technologies. We assess your company, pinpointing departmental challenges and suggesting improvements. You choose which proposals to implement and drive change at your pace. We specialize in problem-ridden departments, offering concepts and ghostwriting. Our focus is on quality, effective work, and finding cost-effective solutions with a touch of enjoyment.



We operate efficiently using the latest technologies and believe AI will enhance creativity and innovation across service providers. While AI is valuable for tasks like conception, mind mapping, and information summarization, human-machine interaction and analytical skills are crucial to avoid errors. Rigorous testing of technology providers has given us a competitive edge, allowing us to elevate our competence significantly. Read more about AI and the new "KI-VO" in Germany.



Digital Finance. Cryptocurrencies are coming up in Europe.  Both MiCA and DORA Date of application is anticipated for 1 January 2025. EBA developing the policy work. 


KPI Reporting with SFDR and CSDR - EU ESG reporting

CSDR: public-interest companies will have to report KPIs for all 6 environmental objectives (turnover + CAPEX and OPEX)

SFDR: reporting on principal adverse KPIs (with data coming from CSRD)


Ghostwriter gesucht?

In Kooperation mit Pirosca24 erstellen wir auch wissenschaftliche Arbeiten auf Deutsch oder Englisch für angehende Akademiker.

- Bachelor Thesis

- Master Thesis

Schnell, professionell und zuverlässig!

Besuche unsere Partnerseite:

26th Sep. 2012


Solvabilitätsverordnung (SolvV) – Stand 22.12.2011 Verordnung über die angemessene Eigenmittelausstattung von Instituten, Institutsgruppen und Finanzholding-Gruppen Die Verordnung findet nach § 1 Anwendung bei: Kreditinstituten, die Bankgeschäfte im Sinne des §...

20th Sep. 2012

Dodd Frank Wallstreet Reform and Consumer Protection Act

The Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act was enacted on July 21 2010 amending the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Exchange Act”) and imposing new requirements for...

19th Sep. 2012


IFRS 9 Financial Instruments, issued at 1 January 2012, specifies how a company has to classify and measure financial assets and liabilities.  Financial assets shall be classified using the company´s...

19th Sep. 2012


ISO Standard 20022 ist die Grundlage für die Datenformate zur Einreichung von beleglosen SEPA-Überweisungen und SEPA-Lastschriften durch Kunden. Der Zentrale Kreditausschuss (ZKA) hat die SEPA-Datenformate für die Kunde-Bank Schnittstelle spezifiziert...

Corporate Finance Präsentation – Unternehmensbewertung

Corporate Finance ist ein Spezialgebiet der Finanzwirtschaft und befasst sich mit Kapitalanlageentscheidungen Investitionsentscheidungen und Unternehmensbewertungen mit dem Ziel den eigenen Unternehmenswert zu erhöhen ohne die eigene Risikotragfähigkeit zu übersteigen. Die...

18th Sep. 2012


SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) will harmonise national and cross-border retail payments to create a common euro payments area. The existing national euro credit transfer and direct debit schemes will...

12th Sep. 2012

Anlegerschutz- und Funktionsverbesserungsgesetz (AnsFug)

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12th Sep. 2012

TARGET2-Securities (T2S)

T2S will be a single settlement platform offering Delivery versus Payment (DvP) settlement in central bank money, which is called CPSS Model I DvP, for different currencies on a real-time...

12th Sep. 2012

Basel III/Basel IV

The banking system entered the crisis with insufficient level of high quality capital, inconsistent definition of capital across jurisdictions and lack of disclosure. Banks failed to capture major balance sheet...

12th Aug. 2012


TARGET2 (Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross Settlement Express Transfer System (T2)) was launched in November 2007 and replaced the original TARGET system and therefore the decentralised structure of TARGET in May...
